GPRM Precast
As Hawaii’s only precast concrete company, GPRM spends a lot of time and money educating architects and contractors about the benefits of precast construction. It was time to find a more efficient way to stay top of mind.
We began by asking a simple question: how do you educate industry professionals about their own profession without talking down to them?
The answer was to contextualize a problem they could recognize and then show how GPRM used precast to realize a unique solution to that problem. Through an educational series called “Formed” we used 3D statistics and storytelling to document some of the most challenging projects GPRM has undertaken, as they were happening. These projects included American Savings Bank headquarters, Hawaii Self Storage, Liliha Public Library, and Ala Moana pedestrian bridges.
This process allowed us to capture what each department felt was most crucial during every step of the project, and communicate how precast construction made the process faster, cheaper and better.
These episodes were used by GPRM to sell architects and contractors on the virtues of precast and keep GPRM top of mind as a potential solution for major construction projects across the islands.